Managing Expectations As Parents of Color  

As a parent of color, sometimes you may feel pressured to parent a certain way and to teach your child certain things. That pressure can be influenced by generational trends in reference to diet, education, manners, religion, discipline, etc., and this pressure can be compounded by trauma and the influence of others' - such as your parents, your in-laws, other family, friends and sometimes even complete strangers.

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What To Do If You Feel Guilty for Ending a Relationship

You ended your relationship and now the guilt sets in. You are second guessing your decision. Was it really that bad? Was I overreacting? Should I have stuck around longer? It is normal to have these thoughts after a breakup and it is also normal to romanticize the relationship. When we grieving the end of a relationship, we experience a range of emotions from relief to anger and everything in between.

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