Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Services

what is culturally sensitive therapy?

Most therapists are not taught how to be culturally sensitive in graduate school. Many of the tools and interventions taught are heavily influenced by Western culture. While individuality is important, we also emphasize the importance of culture and family. We teach clients how to maintain individuality within a family system keeping the importance of culture and family influence in mind. At Space to Reflect, our team of culturally sensitive therapists are passionate about helping clients in a way that feels good and safe for them. We know therapy isn’t a one size fits all, and we don’t treat our clients that way.

Why is cultural sensitivity important?

Culturally sensitive mental health services are not just for people of color. Everyone has a culture and it is important that we take the time to learn about how your culture influences your life. It is difficult to build a good relationship with your therapist without them being culturally competent. There is a greater chance of misunderstanding, bias, and assumptions that are made that will prevent the therapeutic relationship from growing. You and your therapist don’t have to share the same background in order to have a good therapeutic relationship but we know that when a therapist is culturally sensitive, there is much more trust and safety in the relationship.

What is different about working with a culturally sensitive therapist?

Culturally sensitive therapy is client led but also ensures that the client does not feel burdened to have to explain their culture. Culturally sensitive therapy allows for multiple ways of approaching an issue and looks at relationship dynamics through a much wider lens. We know that some people can’t just cut family off and we work together to find manageable ways of approaching these situations. We understand that most situations are not black and white. We help clients build empathy but also help them set limits for certain behaviors. We prioritize cultural competency because without it, it is nearly impossible to build authentic relationships.