Posts in Anxiety
How to Stop Over-Apologizing

Have you ever found yourself saying "sorry" a little too often, even when you haven't really done anything wrong? If so, you're not alone. Many of us have a habit of over apologizing, which can sometimes dilute the meaning of our apologies or, worse, undermine our self-esteem. If you find yourself frequently apologizing for things that don’t warrant an apology, or if you feel compelled to say sorry as a way to avoid conflict or disapproval, it's essential to address this behavior.

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What does it mean when someone says they are high-functioning?

"High-functioning" anxiety is not a clinical diagnosis. Rather, it's a colloquial term used to describe individuals who live with anxiety but are able to maintain their day-to-day functions effectively. On the outside, these individuals might appear to be handling social, professional, and personal situations quite well. However, internally, they are often struggling with significant worry, fear, and distress.

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