Posts in Anxiety
4 Ways to Alleviate Anxiety About Going to College

Going to college represents the start of a new chapter in your life. Even if part of you is excited, it’s natural to be a bit worried about all of the changes this will bring. Furthermore, college is a large financial investment. You might be nervous about not making the most of these opportunities. But your anxiety does not have to dampen your freshman year experience. Here’s how to soothe your nerves before starting college.

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What is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

Perhaps you’ve heard the term “highly sensitive person” (also known as an HSP) and wondered if this designation applies to you. Maybe people have always remarked that you were sensitive. You may have even been told to “toughen up,” yet you don’t want to lose your sensitivity, empathy, and imagination. Understanding what it means to be an HSP can help you find true self-acceptance.

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