4 Ways to Alleviate Anxiety About Going to College

It’s normal to feel anxious about your first semester of college. Whether you’ll be living on campus or staying at home while commuting, you might be nervous about the difficulty of your coursework, making new friends, finding your way around between classes, and even if you’ll like your chosen major.

Going to college represents the start of a new chapter in your life. Even if part of you is excited, it’s natural to be a bit worried about all of the changes this will bring. Furthermore, college is a large financial investment. You might be nervous about not making the most of these opportunities. But your anxiety does not have to dampen your freshman year experience. Here’s how to soothe your nerves before starting college.

1. Seek Support

You don’t have to take on college all by yourself. There is support available to you on campus. If you have a long list of questions about your courses, your financial aid package, campus life, or any other relevant contact, you may want to contact your advisor or the student services department.

What if you’re worried about dealing with anxiety, depression, or another mental health condition once you start your courses? Get in touch with your university to ask about the counseling services available for students. You could also consider working with a therapist who is not affiliated with your college. Overall, your college should have lots of resources available for incoming students, so don’t hesitate to ask questions if things are unclear.

2. Ask For Advice

Do you have any older siblings, cousins, or friends who have started college recently? Turn to them with your questions. They’ll be able to give you firsthand advice and alleviate your anxiety.

Maybe you’re a first-generation college student, and no one else in your family or peer group has attended college before. Being the first person in your life to take this big step is a major accomplishment. But it can also add to these feelings of anxiety. If this is the case, and you’ll be living on campus, you might want to get in touch with your resident advisor at your assigned dorm.

3. Remember, Knowledge Is Power

Sometimes, anxiety is just a result of uncertainty. If you don’t know where your classes are, or you don’t know what you should expect in terms of your workload, it’s easy to see why you would feel nervous about your upcoming semester. Going the extra mile to learn more about the expectations for your classes, the layout of your campus, and the available services from the university can help you address your fears.

What if you live close enough to your campus to visit for a day trip? You can head there and spend a little time walking around and exploring. When you learn the lay of the land, you’ll feel more comfortable when you show up for your first day of classes. You can also email your professors to ask questions about your curriculum and get prepared for your courses.

4. Focus On The Upsides

Finally, remember that even though starting college is a big undertaking, your college years can also be a lot of fun! By thinking about the positive aspects of going to college, you might be able to transform your anxiety into excitement. Pick out a few things you’re looking forward to, like a specific club on campus or a course you’re interested in. Keep them in mind to let go of your worries.

Are you feeling anxious about going to college? Therapy can help. Contact us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.