Posts in Anxiety
How to Stop Overthinking While Dating

Dating can definitely be stressful. Even when you’re not out on a date, it’s not easy to stop overthinking every aspect of your romantic life. You might spend hours wondering if you really clicked with your date, or you may catch yourself checking your phone countless times throughout the day to see if that special someone texted you back. But dating doesn’t have to be so anxiety-inducing. Here’s how to quell your overthinking and relax while dating.

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What Type of Therapy is Best for Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum is a vulnerable time. With so much anticipation of the baby’s arrival and now the realization that you must care take for another human being, life can suddenly feel terrifying. Parents of color are twice as likely to miss postpartum visits due to fear of being judged and lack of trust their provider. Talk therapy is a good place to start when thinking about how to manage and overcome postpartum depression or anxiety.

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