Why is Self-Care so Important for Black Women?

Black woman leaning on balcony looking out and closing eyes

Black Women hold multiple marginalized identities that heighten opportunities to incur stress. Studies have shown that prolonged encounters with stress can lead to negative health effects such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease.

The National Institutes of Health published a qualitative assessment of both gender and race related to stress which showed “Black women report higher levels of psychological stress than White women and carry a disproportionate burden of chronic conditions associated with psychological stress, including obesity.”

Because Black Women face increased likelihood of stress it is just as important to find and maintain self care practices to offset the effects of the stress on one’s body.

Self Care through Restorative and Transformative Justice

Self care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting ones own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.

So why is it important for Black Women to practice self care?

Well, if you are constantly engaging with harmful treatment, shouldn’t you also have the opportunity to engage with restorative and/or fulfilling practices as well? What we’re explicitly stating is that there is no way to constantly be faced with negative interactions or experiences and expect to be able to continue in our normal fashion. Considering self care through a restorative justice lens is to consider what can be done for yourself to bring you back to a place of peace after encountering a microaggression, blatant racism, stress from work, or just simply interacting with the public.

To take it a step further, when a Black Woman practices self care, it is a way of transformative justice- by challenging the “norm” and choosing to care for and love herself.

Easier said than done, right?

It is alright if the idea of finding time to practice self care is daunting! If you consider self care as an opportunity to practice self love rather than a barrier or “just another task”, we promise the benefits can be abundant.

To get you started, consider the following suggestions:

  • Take an extra 5 minutes in the shower when getting ready

  • Dance to your favorite music when completing chores around the house

  • Dress up or wear your favorite scent “just because”

  • Plan as best you can to maintain a healthy sleep schedule

Are you still feeling that this is too much to do? We can help! Schedule a free consultation today.