What is Intersectionality?

What is Intersectionality?

People are complex and the concept of having multiple identities that lend to the individual is known as intersectionality. At its core, intersectionality recognizes that individuals possess multiple dimensions of identity, such as race, gender, class, sexuality, disability, and more. These identities do not exist independently; they intersect and interact with one another, forming a complex web of experiences and social realities. It is important to note that intersectionality goes beyond acknowledging these identities in isolation—it emphasizes the ways in which they intersect and influence each other, creating unique experiences and challenges.

There is an added layer to this though- intersectionality brings voice to the fact that there are people with overlapping identities have heightened opportunity to experience discrimination and injustice in our society. Intersectionality has profound implications for mental health.

Why is Intersectionality important for the LGBTQIA+ Community?

The LGBTQIA+ community encompasses a diverse range of sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. Within this community, individuals experience a wide spectrum of identities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and more. Intersectionality highlights that LGBTQIA+ individuals do not solely face discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity but also face additional forms of oppression based on other aspects of their identity.

For example, an LGBTQIA+ person of color may face discrimination not only for their sexual orientation or gender identity but also for their race or ethnicity. Similarly, an LGBTQIA+ individual with a disability may encounter barriers related to their physical or mental health, which can further compound their challenges. By considering these intersecting identities, we gain a deeper understanding of the unique struggles faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals and the impact on their mental health.

How to incorporate intersectionality as mental health professionals.

Recognizing and embracing intersectionality is crucial for mental health professionals working with the LGBTQIA+ community. Here are some essential steps mental health professionals can take:

  • Cultivate Cultural Competence: Educate yourself about the unique experiences and challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals with different intersecting identities. Understand the impact of privilege, discrimination, and systemic biases on mental health outcomes.

  • Foster Inclusive and Affirming Spaces: Create an environment that respects and values diverse identities. Affirm the experiences and narratives of LGBTQIA+ individuals, acknowledging the intersectional nature of their identities.

  • Tailor Treatment Approaches: Adopt an individualized approach that considers the unique experiences and needs of each client. Recognize that the intersecting identities of LGBTQIA+ individuals may shape their mental health concerns and treatment goals.

  • Collaborate with Community Resources: Build partnerships with LGBTQIA+-focused organizations and support networks to ensure comprehensive care for clients. These resources can provide additional support and community connections specific to intersecting identities.

In counseling, there is an ethical code in which we must advocate for our clients. It is important for those that are servicing this community also care for its well-being. Intersectionality is an opportunity to view an individual in their entirety and is special.

Do you struggle to navigate the difficulties of discrimination due to being apart of the LGBTQIA+ community?

We can help! Give us a call and one of our therapists can support you.