Posts in Relationships
Navigating the Guilt of Needing Space in a Relationship

As therapists, we have encountered many couples grappling with the delicate balance of togetherness and individuality. One common sentiment that often surfaces in therapy sessions is the guilt associated with not wanting to spend every moment with your partner. This feeling can be perplexing and distressing, leading many to question the health and longevity of their relationship. However, it's essential to understand that desiring space is a natural and necessary aspect of any healthy partnership.

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Tips for Recovering from a Breakup

Breakups, no matter the circumstances, can be profoundly painful and disorienting. As therapists, we've seen firsthand the toll it can take on one's mental and emotional well-being. Yet, it's crucial to remember that recovery is not only possible but also an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Here are some essential tips for navigating this challenging time.

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