Posts in Relationships
15 Reasons Why Relationships Are Hard

Relationships form the cornerstone of human interaction, providing us with companionship, support, and a sense of belonging. However, they can also be remarkably intricate and challenging, often requiring dedicated effort and understanding to navigate successfully. At Space to Reflect, our therapists have the privilege of observing and assisting countless individuals and couples as they grapple with the difficulties inherent in relationships. Here, we delve into the reasons why relationships are often so challenging.

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What does family enmeshment look like?

Family enmeshment is a term that describes a family structure in which members of a family are overly involved with each other’s lives and emotions. It is characterized by an excessive emotional closeness, lack of boundaries, and difficulty in expressing individual needs or opinions. Family enmeshment can lead to feelings of guilt and anxiety, as well as difficulty developing healthy relationships outside the family.

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