What are the 8 Areas of Self Care?

What does self-care mean?

Oxford defines self care as “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” Translation please? Ways to take care of yourself so you don’t burn out. Now that you know the definition of self-care are you ready to jump in and get to it?

Probably not, and that’s ok!

Simply knowing the definition of a word doesn’t make it easier, but it can give you a starting point. It is normal to feel overwhelmed when trying to consider how to implement self-care, you may find though that the hardest part is to start. While self care may seem like ways to pampering yourself, it is also recognizing what is NOT good for you and doing less of that. Check out our examples below.

What are the 8 Areas of Self-Care?

● Physical- doing something to move your body

● Psychological- knowing when to walk away from an uncomfortable situation

● Emotional- not overextending yourself for family

● Social- spending time with people who fill your cup

● Environmental- getting outside

● Professional- setting time limits for checking work emails

● Spiritual- doing meditation or yoga

● Financial- having a budget to help feel in control of your finances

What Does Self-Care Look Like?

-Taking a break in your day to get moving (stretching, walks, getting outdoors).

-Speaking with a therapist to discuss ways they can support you in finding a balance in your life.

-Journaling to freely express your feelings and allow for reflection.

-Grabbing a bite to eat at that restaurant you’ve been wanting to try.

No matter if it is simple or grandiose the aim is to find something that works for you. There is no argument that practicing self care is important and crucial to a positive well-being. Yet, most of us may find it difficult to implement self-care into what may feel like an already packed schedule and/or daily routine.

The beauty of self-care is that it is specific to the individual; meaning, whatever brings joy or alleviates your load can be marked as practiced self-care. Do you feel that you don’t know where to begin when it comes to self care? Give yourself grace and know that working with a therapist can help.

Reach out to us to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.