Feeling Overwhelmed? 10 Tips to Tackle Your Anxiety

Woman rubibng hands on temples looking stressed with eyes closed

Anxiety is a normal part of life but frequent and excessive anxiety, fear, terror and panic in everyday situations may be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Common symptoms may include sweating, trembling, feeling nervous, feeling helpless, hyperventilation, increased heart rate and/or overthinking. While making some lifestyle changes may help, you should consider seeing a health care provider to help with associated symptoms.

10 ways to manage anxiety:

  1. Make Sleep a Priority

    Feeling rested can make all the difference. Try to set a sleep routine and aim for a set number of hours per night to promote sleep consistency.

  2. Use Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques

    Techniques such as visualization techniques, yoga and meditation can be instant stress busters, just 2 minutes of meditation has helped many.

  3. Get Outside

    Mother Nature is a powerful force and sometimes all it takes is some fresh air and sunlight to boost your mood.

  4. Focus on Better Nutrition

    It's true what they say about food being your body's fuel, focus on hydrating and incorporating more fruits and vegetables when possible.

  5. Avoid or Limit Alcohol

    Alcohol can easily worsen anxiety symptoms, consider talking to a health care professional if you have trouble cutting back.

  6. Keep a Journal

    Journals are a great way to keep track of your stressors and a great way to unload your associated thoughts/emotions.

  7. Identify Triggers

    If you can name it, you can better tame it! Learning what leads to your anxiety can help better manage it both proactively and in the moment.

  8. Keep Physically Active

    Just 10 minutes of movement is all it takes. Dance, walk, or do some jumping jacks while you watch your favorite show, any movement to get your body moving!

  9. Cut Back on Caffeinated Beverages

    Caffeine is great when your trying to jumpstart your day in the mornings, but it can worsen anxiety symptoms like racing thoughts and an increased heart rate.

  10. Socialize

    It's natural to want to isolate when we're feeling overwhelmed, but that's often when we need it most. Be sure to stay connected with loved ones!

What therapy is best for anxiety?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is best for anxiety management. It is a type of talk therapy that helps clients learn how their thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect behaviors and actions.

If your worries continue to worsen and your anxiety is becoming harder and harder to manage alone, we are here for you. As licensed mental health professionals, we can help you find ways to better manage your symptoms. Book a free phone call today!