Do POC parents have postpartum baby blues?

POC parents most certainly experience postpartum anxiety and depression. There are a few reasons why many POC parents experience postpartum symptoms that go untreated. Let’s first dicuss what these symptoms are.

PPD/PPA symptoms include:  

  • Depressed mood or severe mood swings.

  • Crying too much.

  • Difficulty bonding with your baby.

  • Withdrawing from family and friends.

  • Loss of appetite or eating much more than usual.

  • Inability to sleep, called insomnia, or sleeping too much.

  • Overwhelming tiredness or loss of energy.

Why do POC parents hesitate to ask for help during postpartum?

There is lack of trust in the systems in place to help with postpartum especially for Black parents.

  •   They may feel understood by professionals.

  • They may not know how to explain their culture and traditions.

If culture is ignored when seeking professional help, new parents are less likely to continue seeking professional help because they feel misunderstood. POC parents might worry that if they say something, they will be reprimanded by the system. Some fear that their children may be removed from the home if they talk about any mental health concerns which causes more isolation in new parents.

What does postpartum look like in POC parents:

POC parents experience postpartum symptoms similar to parents of the dominant culture. However, POC parents have an added layer of needing to navigate systems that are set up to benefit those from the domunant culture. They may live in multigenerational homes or may feel guilty for taking care of themselves. If you want support as new parent and want to work with someone who emphasizes cultural context, schedule a free 15 min phone consultation with our team today. We know that asking for help is hard, especially as a POC. We want to support you in your new parent journey without judgement or fear.

Book a free 15 minute phone call today!