Can Dads Suffer from Post Partum Depression?

Dad holding baby in arms and feeding with baby with a bottle

Postpartum depression doesn’t only happen to women. Men can suffer from PPD as well. Studies show that 1 in 10 men struggle with PPD or PPA.

What causes PPd in dads?

  • Hormones-changes in testosterone

  • Partner’s depression

  • History of depression

  • Feeling disconnected from mom and baby

  • Struggling to adjust to parenthood

  • Lack of sleep

  • Finanical stress

  • Lack of social support

What are PPA and PPD symptoms in dads?

What are ways to support a dad with PPD?

  • Create a safe space for them to talk to you without feeling judged

  • Offer tangible help so they don’t feel like they have to ask for help

  • Normalize therapy and medication such as antidepressants

There are a lot of expectations for new parents and a lot of the focus gets shifted to the baby after birth. It is important that moms and dads feel supported as they transition into parenthood. If you are a parent struggling to adjust to parenthood, reach out to schedule a free 15 min phone call today!