Dealing with the Stereotype of a Strong Black Woman

“Wow, I don’t know how you do it, you’re like a Superwoman!”

Do you wonder how you could possibly respond to that?

Are you instead thinking, “No! I’m a human and TIRED.”

There are many stereotypes that befall the Black Woman, many of which are rude and/or simply false. Even the “positive” stereotype of being a Strong Black Woman is problematic in the way it is dismissive of how hard living as a Black Woman in this society can be. This thought of the strong Black Woman dehumanizes and silences one’s ability to ask for help.

It makes more sense that you may feel invisible, wondering why no one can recognize that you are  possibly overworked, underappreciated (at times) and just plain exhausted. There are many circumstances that make it that a Black Woman holds disproportionate responsibilities, none that are fair and/or warranted for that matter.

Do you ever wonder why you are more tired than you think you should be? It may be contributed to by the allostatic load of navigating as a Black Woman. Allostatic load is the cumulative burden of chronic stress and life events; which is hyper-experienced by minority groups. 

In Layman's terms: Having this added layer of stress and/or burden from the continued exposure to stressors (racism, sexism, microaggressions, etc.). 

5 Ways to combat the Strong Black Woman Stereotype 

  1. Say NO! 

  2. Voice your feelings  (they are valid!) 

  3. Avoid taking on additional tasks that will cause you to be overworked 

  4. Lean on your community (i.e. friends, family, therapist, etc.)

  5. Recognize you are one person with two hands, you can only do so much at once

It is important that we give ourselves grace, because it is not an easy feat to accomplish. It is okay to feel far from being a superwoman. It is okay to need help in processing your needs, schedules, and/or life. 

Please know that you can reclaim a term that has at times been meant in dismissing or demoralizing your hustle.

In fact, not accepting this treatment indeed makes you a strong Black Woman. 

Need more support? Schedule a free phone consultation today!