4 Unique Problems Interracial Couples Face

Interracial couple facing forward. White woman and brown man embracing each other. White woman has arms around man and both are smiling.

If you and your new partner are in an interracial relationship, you might be worried about how the rest of the world will treat you. You both love each other deeply. Yet you’re concerned that prejudice from wider society and judgment from your family and friends could undermine your connection.

Interracial couples certainly face some unique challenges. But this does not mean that you and your partner can’t enjoy a bright future together. If you’re both committed to the relationship and you’re willing to put the work in, you can overcome these obstacles. Here are a few issues that interracial couples may have to deal with, as well as tips on coping with these situations.

1. Being Treated Differently Based On Race

In an interracial relationship, one partner might be afforded certain societal privileges based on their race. Alternatively, both partners might come from disadvantaged groups. Yet they may be dealing with different stereotypes and forms of discrimination.

If you experience privileges that your partner doesn’t, you must be willing to hear their perspective. Furthermore, it’s important to learn about the specific types of prejudice they’ve dealt with based on their race so that you can be there for them if they face discrimination. Don’t dismiss your partner’s experiences. Even if you don’t know much about their background, taking them seriously will help strengthen your relationship.

2. Exploring Cultural Differences

Sometimes, partners in an interracial relationship come from different cultural backgrounds. Even if you grew up in the same area, you might not have had the same upbringing. Your families may have practiced different religions or upheld certain traditions. You might have also faced different expectations in regard to your future.

Not all partners in interracial relationships come from drastically different cultures. But for those who do, you’ll need to take time to learn about each other’s backgrounds. Keep an open mind as your partner teaches you about their culture! This aspect of being in an interracial relationship can be challenging, but diving into new cultures can also be a lot of fun. You might end up celebrating additional holidays, learning delicious recipes, or even picking up some words and phrases in a new language.

3. Dealing With Prejudice From Your Social Circles

Maybe your family has expressed some prejudiced views in the past, and now, you’re nervous that they will react poorly when you introduce your partner. They may not have any friends who share your partner’s background, and you’re hoping they’ll give them a fair chance. Alternatively, you might be anxious about meeting your partner’s family. And sometimes, these anxieties can extend beyond your respective families and apply to your friends, too.

It’s not always easy to introduce a partner to your family and social circle when you’re in an interracial relationship. Having your partner’s back is key—if someone makes a derogatory comment, you need to step in and stand up for your partner. They should do the same for you.

4. Planning Your Future

If you and your partner want to have children, you may have lots of questions about how to raise mixed-race children in a world that is not always accepting. Additionally, you might be undecided about where to live if you’re searching for somewhere truly inclusive. If you’re both having trouble making big decisions about your future, talking to a therapist who regularly works with interracial couples can help you navigate these choices.

Are you and your partner struggling to cope with the challenges that come with interracial relationships? Working with a therapist can help. Reach out to us to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.