4 Ways to Respond to Mental Health Stigma 

2 women of color sitting on couch talking to each other facing each other

What causes mental health stigma?

Mental health stigma can be related to characteristics including gender, sexuality, race, religion, and/or culture. Mental health stigma often refers to the negative attitudes or discriminatory actions/comments against someone based on distinguishing characteristics such as mental health, health condition and/or disability. Stigma can lead to feelings of hopelessness, shame in those struggling to cope with their situation, and can create a serious barrier to those wanting to seek out support. 

In today's world, now more than ever we need to respond better to mental health stigma to break the cycle of the prejudice against those wanting to seek help. 

Here are 4 ways to prevent mental health stigma:

  1. Choose your words carefully. What we say to others holds great weight in their perception of our themselves and the world. Aim to be inclusive, positive, and supportive especially when taking about mental health experiences.

  2. Be Inclusive. Whether it is in your professional or personal life interactions, aim to be inclusive. Try to be accepting of all similarities and differences one may share, whether it be based on identity, experience, or culture.

  3. Get educated about things you may not be entirely familiar with. It's best to promote seeking knowledge and thorough understanding versus just repeating one additive about mental health.

  4. Challenge stereotypes and myths. It is imperative we shift to support one another and debunk negativity about seeking proper support.

Asking for help is already hard enough. Let's not make it any harder by adding to the existing mental health stigma in our world.

Need more support? Book a free phone call today.